Lenovo s flagship ThinkPad X301 laptop can now be found in some configurations with a 1.8-inch magnetic hard disk rather than solid state drives fast and expensive, once included exclusively.
Unfortunately, the new drives are not available on Lenovo.com as part of a build-it-yourself configuration, again. Instead, you are limited to one of two pre-built configurations available from resellers:
* Model 2776-H1U: SU9400 1.4GHz CPU, 2GB DDR3 , Webcam, 120GB 5400rpm, DVDRW, Intel 5100 WiFi, expandable WWAN, 2GB Turbo Memory, Bluetooth, fingerprint reader, 6-cell battery, Vista Business 32 - 1700-1800 street price ~ $
* model 2776-32U: SU9600 1.6GHz CPU, 2GB DDR3, Webcam, 250GB 5400rpm, DVDRW, Intel 5100 WiFi, expandable WWAN, Bluetooth, fingerprint reader, 6-cell battery, XP Professional - the street price - ~ $ 1700
Considering that you can not get the ThinkPad X301 in the $ 1600 range, without DVDRW and other goodies on Lenovo.com with coupons, it's actually not a bad deal. The magnetic hard disk allows you to clearly save a chunk of change here. In fact, if you look for the almost identical model 2776-33U, which adds a 64GB SSD on 2776-32U listed above, it adds an average $ 200-300 in the price tag. You should always make the comparison price in depth to find the model that best fits your needs, but the potential is there to save money.
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lenovo_thinkpad_t400s_upgrade_ssd-toshiba When the ThinkPad X300 launched, it has been criticized for its high price, which was largely driven by the SSD so expensive. The drive itself cost over $ 700, which is a very large part of the cost of any laptop, as you could get a pretty good machine equipped so far. Asked about offering a 1.8-inch HDD to reduce the starting cost down, Lenovo said it had investigated this route, but that the performance of these drives was just not up to par for such a high Machine range. Indeed, the storage unit of a system is one of the biggest bottlenecks in modern computer.
Since the ThinkPad X300 launched, SSD prices have dropped significantly bringing the X301 in the sub-range in price from $ 2,000. However, hard drive technology has also advanced, not only are 1.8 inch drives faster, but they have a greater capacity also. Hopefully Lenovo will begin offering the 1.8-inch HDD for the X301 on Lenovo.com, so we can really see what kind of value they can hunt ThinkPad lighthouse.
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